Scotland:India Impact Link is a focused range of support for emerging social enterprises in India.
Launched in December 2017, Impact Link is designed to build the resilience, capacity and impact of a small number of India’s social enterprises that are moving beyond the Incubator stages of growth.
One of the key priorities of Scotland's Economic Strategy is internationalisation. As part of this outlook Scotland is committed to a strong, long-term, bilateral partnership with India. Impact Link forms part of the Scottish Government’s Internationalising Social Enterprise Strategy and India Engagement Strategy.
Impact Link is delivered in India by the Mitra Foundation and Social Enterprise Academy India, led by SEA International CIC as an initiative of Scottish Government.

Produced by the Scottish Government 2018
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Impact Link
Scotland:India Impact Link is delivered by Mitra with Social Enterprise Academy International CIC
© Social Enterprise Academy 2021
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D-134, First Floor, East of Kailash
New Delhi – 110065