As part of the Impact Link package of support, fellows have opportunities to develop and connect with peers in Scotland, to enable their social enterprises to become more sustainable.
Supporting growing social enterprises through mentor-ship can have a significant impact on their chance of success. These 11 social entrepreneurs have a wide range of experience and will be supporting this year’s fellows on their social enterprise journey.

Andrew Bailie
Partnerships Manager at Social Bite
Social Bite is a social enterprise with a mission to build a collaborative movement to end homelessness in Scotland. It operates a chain of cafes across Scotland and a restaurant in Edinburgh. It provides employment opportunities to people affected by homelessness through the Social Bite Academy and gives away more than 100,000 items of food and drink each year.

Lesley Compston
Founder, KLAS Care
KLAS Care, which aims to reduce the amount of families living in poverty in the Renfrewshire area through the provision of affordable and flexible childcare enabling parents to access education, training or employment. KLAS Care delivers additional social benefits by reinvesting profits in subsidising fees for low-income families.

Reuben Chesters
Managing Director, Locavore:
Locavore is a Glasgow-based social enterprise dedicated to the creation of sustainable local food economies. As well as contributing to the local food economy, Locavore addresses a range of social and health issues including teaching people how to cook healthy food cheaply and offering volunteering and employment opportunities in the shop and market garden.

Jain McIntyre
Co-Owner, Lodestone Creative:
Lodestone Creative CIC is a social enterprise based in West Dunbartonshire. They are passionate about supporting the growth of creative and cultural activity through the following; encouraging people to try out creative workshops and learn new skills through their arts programme, supporting artists and makers through the provision of affordable studios and work spaces.

Andy Hook
Development Manager at Street Soccer Scotland:
Founded in 2009, Street Soccer Scotland is a social enterprise which uses football inspired training and personal development as a medium to empower people who are affected by social exclusion, to make positive changes in their lives.

Dani Trudeau
Founding Director at Tribe Porty
Tribe Porty is a place to make good things happen – a connectivity hub which promotes a healthy and happy community. Tribe aims to provide a space for nurture and growth of human potential through supporting local people in work, art and quality of life. Tribe provides affordable work spaces and co-working opportunities and works on multi-disciplinary creative projects. across the collective.

Graham Miller
Founder, Really Real Resources:
The team at Really Real Resources want to make a difference through photography. They want to sell high quality images of real people in their real lives, reflecting the struggles that some people face in their day to day life and capture the hopelessness that some people inevitably feel.

Njiraini Nganga
Executive Director, Networks4Learning
Networks4Learning is a technology refurbishment business, aiming to provide jobs and training to vulnerable young individuals from underprivileged households in Glasgow, particularly those from BME communities.

Alastair Clyne
Managing Director, Heroica Coffee:
Heroica is a company established to complement House of the Heroes (HOTH), a not-for-profit NGO that is a home for abandoned children that has been registered and operational in the Philippines since 2008. The profits generated by the coffee sales will be used to support children at risk in the Philippines.

Roy Clunie
Former Chairman, Atlantis Leisure:
The story of Atlantis is the story of real community spirit in action. It's a story of a community, which pulled together to raise millions through its own efforts, to give the town of Oban a sports centre it could be proud of. Atlantis Community Leisure is run as a social enterprise and is a registered charity - any profits made, are re-invested into the business to make continuing improvements in the centre and to put staff through training.

Bruce Gunn
Managing Director, Passion4Social:
Through their digital agency, Passion4Social hopes to try and bridge Scotland’s digital skills gap with the talents of housebound disabled people, and in doing so, help the government fulfil its commitment to half the Disability Employment Gap.